Welcome Everyone !!!!

Hey There Guys,

My name is Michelle, but everyone calls me Shel. You can call me your financial Yoda cause I’m going to help you learn a fun new way to save money to get to your financial dreams.

A little backstory for you……

I am a mom, wife, dog mommy, and a work-from-home boss lady, who spent her whole life doing the whole degree thing and working for the man and got sick of the 9-5  barely making it lifestyle. So what did I do? I started to research ways to save money quickly. Now my daughter is a wizard when it comes to saving but I wanted to find a more fun way so I checked out YouTube.  And now I am living my best life for myself, my family, and Jesus by saving money and having fun while doing it and now you can too !!!!!

Come join me and welcome to the family.